Digital, Data and Design Institute
Because AI is only half the answer
The Digital Data Design Institute is a part of the curriculum of the prestigious Harvard Business School. The institute was created with an intention to address the most pressing business questions of the day.

In the age of AI, digital transformation, data proliferation, and design thinking have created a new business paradigm all together. These trending ideas have also created an urgent need for upskilling oneself. The institute was hence built keeping these needs and urgencies in mind.
Truetype in collaboration with team Magenta, designed a new and futuristic logo and identity for this international client. The three D’s – Digital, Data and Design are important ideas that shape the future. The conglomerate of these ideas creates a strong core not just of the future but also of the world. The three D’s – Digital, Data and Design were hence visualised into geometric shapes that can be used throughout the brand communication. These brand assets are designed to be free flowing yet bold, providing freedom and flexibility to explore which is the true spirit of any institution. The intersection of the three D’s in the logo creates an empty space that has been left blank intentionally for the endless possibilities that come to mind when Digital, Data and Design meet. The animation which leads to the creation of the futuristic core, is also seamless and effortlessly done. Its simplicity also allows many abstractions to be drawn out of it.
A carefully considered set of secondary colours were picked out that are complementary to the vibrant and muted primary palette. For the typeface we used the bold yet friendly Gotham Rounded as our primary typeface and Lora as the secondary font for longform or body copy. The palette, typeface and design all come together in the end to create a new and modern identity which can also be seen as a blueprint of the future.
The intersection of the three D's in the logo creates an empty space that has been left blank intentionally for the endless possibilities that come to mind when Digital, Data and Design meet.